Online Membership
Becoming E-Member of Elevation Worship Ministries

Since we launched, we have had quite a number of people joining us online for worship on Sunday mornings. And we have had people ask how they can join Elevation Worship Ministries International as they continue to engage online. We didn't always have the best response, but now we do!


Online Membership is for those who want to move from spectators to participants in what we do at Elevation Worship Ministries as God continues to form us into an authentic ministry without walls in the 21st century.

For online members, we will provide:

* Prayer support

* A monthly zoom call with Pastor Lee or other pastoral staff

* Access to online devotionals, and discussion questions to help you grow in faith


We keep things relational here at Elevation Worship Ministries and we want to get to know you as you become an online member!

As an online member, we invite you to:

* Engage in our Sunday Morning live stream worship service

* Engage in our Tuesday Evening Zoom bible study

* Pray for the church community, staff, and leadership

* Participate in worship through online giving

* Support Elevation Worship Ministries online with likes and shares on various social media platforms


If you are interested in becoming a member of our online congregation, please fill out the form below and one of our ministry team will be in touch with you!

Contact Form

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